This is 39

Although I have been advised by several ladies not to let my age be known, I am here to tell you that I don't feel so awful about it. Do I wish that my skin was tighter and that I didn't have a few (ha!) gray hairs? Heck, YES! Do I wish that I didn't have to watch what I eat? of Course. But the truth is that I feel pretty amazing. This may sound incredibly vain, but I actually think I look ok as well. I FEEL 27 on most days. Considering where I was a 4.5 years ago, this is pretty amazing.
I feel like I graduated from college not too long ago, and in general I might even feel better than I did at that point in my life. On top of being moderately insecure and not even realizing how good I probably looked, I didn't treat myself well. I ate processed foods, I stayed up way too late (which I do still love to do on occasion), drank too much, and was generally clueless as to what I put on and inside my body. And why would I have been more aware? I was footloose and fancy free. Not a care in the world.
After my health issues, and realizing that they were a result of outside factors and not hereditary, I knew I wanted to make some major changes. At first I was a little obsessive, which led to a very uptight me. I have since relaxed a bit, and my stress has lowered, which is great for anyone.
All of this blabbing is to say that I have decided to start a mini blog series on some of my favorite tips to looking and feeling young. So, stay tuned... I'll be spreading my very limited knowledge, and hopefully connecting you with some people and products that might make you look, or at least feel life your best self!
xx jane
ps. I loved finding out what celebs share my birth year. There we are. That's (almost) 40.