BIG LOVE and Small Change

I am so excited to finally put my thoughts into action with two exciting projects: The BIG LOVE rings and my involvement in the Small Change Foundation. BIG LOVE is something I say when I feel a sense of overwhelming love and gratitude for someone, when I know a friend is hurting or going through a difficult time, or just to let people know that I have big love for them.
This year has been particularly difficult for most. For me, some parts have been incredibly beautiful and special - dinners with my little family on our porch every evening for months of the most beautiful weather; having my precious babies teach me how to skateboard at age 42 (still a lot of work to be done there); support by dear friends/family/community; and some clarity on what I want for my role in this world.
But, if I am being honest, I have had some lows too. I think we all have. In these lows, I have thought a lot about how being kind and loving people is so crucial in how we feel about ourselves. When I am kind or gracious with others and show BIG LOVE, it can bring kindness and love out of someone who might not have otherwise been up for showing it. I decided that I wanted to create a piece that would remind anyone wearing it that there is BIG LOVE in this world, even in the confusing times we are in right now.
I mentioned in a previous blog post that I was looking for a way to give back with greater impact, locally, nationally, and globally. I am excited to announce that I have joined The SMALL CHANGE FOUNDATION as a trustee. Jane Pope Jewelry plans to make a contribution of a portion of all JP sales to the foundation. I will be also be selling the BIG LOVE ring and donating 20% of the profits on this piece to The Small Change Foundation.
Small Change, previously dedicated largely to education and the arts has now decided to expand its goal is to make quarterly donations to charities with a strong mission to help women and children locally, nationally, or globally. If you have a charity you think might be a fit, please feel free to reach out at to submit your charity.
I am thrilled to embark on this journey and will keep you all posted on the charities as we select them.
xx Jane